Genders and Partners

Undue Influence: A Threat for Elderly People

To obtain advice on changing your Will and ensure that your family and your assets are properly protected, consult with the trusted professionals at Genders & Partners, the oldest law firm in South Australia.

Advance Care Directives Maximising your Quality of Life

Advance Care Directives: Maximising your Quality of Life

It is important for every adult person to create an Advance Care Directive to maximise their independence, dignity and quality of life.

Personal values, religious and cultural preferences can be recorded for when a person loses the ability to make decisions about their own accommodation and healthcare, including end-of-life decisions.

Genders and Partners

Update Your Will and Estate Plan in Adelaide

You can save yourself and your loved-ones lots of time, money & grief by consulting a specialist estate planning law firm to help create and maintain your Estate Plan in Adelaide. By doing this, you will likely reduce the expense of the administration of your deceased estate.
