Last night I had to do one of those business chores that just has to be done, but I hate it. I’ll try not to bore you with too much detail, but basically it involves computer security stuff that is equal parts weird, scary, frustrating and boring.
Much of it makes no intuitive sense, and there are traps for the unwary everywhere. It feels like tap-dancing into a minefield. Wearing a blindfold.
The last time I had to do this particular thing, I was told it should take about half an hour. It actually took over a month. Mistakes were made (not all of them by me!) Different computer suppliers didn’t play well with each other.
Hidden glitches and gotchas abounded. Obscure and subtle variations in the precise wording (required to get to the next step in the sequence) were poorly documented or not explained. Stupid little things like using “&” instead of “and” caused the whole sequence to stall and have to restart. Again. And again!
I was frustrated and annoyed and stressed. It was a big distraction, and it interfered with my work and my enjoyment of life. My wife called me ‘Grumpy’ for several weeks in a row!
That was last time.
This time, it wasn’t quite finished in 30 minutes, but I came really close. It wasn’t anywhere near as painful. And I didn’t fall into the same traps. So within about an hour I was done! Success!! (Cue victory dance).
The difference was that I had learned from the last time what to do, and what not to do.
What happened to me is pretty much what most people go through when attempting to self-administer the deceased estate of a loved one. They are confronted with the labyrinth of odd procedural requirements in probate law. They are made to jump through hoops that make no sense. They have to get obscure pieces of paper in the right order, from the right department, at the right time, with the right (silly, weird, precise) wording – it can drive any sane person to distraction. It can seem like a dark and twisted game whose rules are never clearly explained, and the slightest misstep will be severely punished.
This is where it pays to gain the benefit of someone else’s experience. Someone who has been there, done that – preferably lots of times. Someone who can avoid tripping the mines, and help you get to the end of the process with your sanity and humour intact.
What you need is a specialist lawyer who has spent decades learning all the tips and traps so you don’t have to. (Hint : Genders and Partners is the oldest law firm in South Australia – with over 170 years’ experience in Wills & estates). Then you can do your own victory dance. And your partner won’t have to call you grumpy!
If you are named as Executor of a Will or know someone who is, we offer a cost effective and convenient estate administration service. Our specialist expert consultants can come to you and our rates are very competitive. To learn more about our services please call 08 8212 7233 or email mail@genders.com.au
FREE REPORT “7 Things You Must Know About Probate and Estate Administration”
In this report you will Learn:
- What is Probate
- Duties of Executors
- Who Should Serve as Executor
- Executor’s Commissions
- Legal Fees and Expenses
- Sale of Real Estate and Other Property
- Challenges to the Will or Estate