Help yourself and your family be prepared for the next unexpected crisis. Make an Information Portfolio for your family so you and they can quickly find the information required in an emergency.

When you are putting your affairs in order, put some time aside to make an Information Portfolio.
What is an Information Portfolio? It is a pouch, folder or binder where you keep important documentation and information about yourself, your family and your assets.
It is important to have one in case of an emergency, so you and the people you care about can find important information immediately, or if you suddenly must leave your family, pets, and medical conditions in the hands of someone else.
When SHTF, you might need to grab your Information Portfolio and run – eg house fire, bushfire, flood, cyclone, storm, civil unrest etc.
Just like insurance, you cannot afford to wait until the disaster strikes before putting in place your protections. Remember: When Noah started building his Ark, it wasn’t raining yet!
Here are some ideas of things to include in your Information Portfolio
#1. List of Emergency Contacts (name, relation, phone, address, number, email, social media links) for family members, friends, neighbours, teachers, coaches, and anyone that you might need to contact in an emergency.
#2. Colour Copies of Important Documents:
- Estate planning documents
- Driver’s license
- Medicare cards
- Passport numbers
- Visa, immigration, and citizenship information
- Insurance policies and certificates
- Birth certificates
- Marriage certificate
- Credit Cards
#3. Financial information
- Bank information
- Bills
- Auto Payments and Direct Debits
#4. Medical Information
- Conditions and Allergies
- Doctors and Treatment Providers
- List of Medications
#5. School information
#6. Family schedules – to have some idea where close family members are at any given time
Be sure to let your loved ones know about your portfolio and where it is in case it is ever needed.
Estate Planning clients of Genders and Partners receive a free portfolio with their estate planning documents, and this automatically includes our contact information to assist you and your family to locate us when needed.
It is a good idea to keep both a hardcopy Information Portfolio, as well as a digital version that you can access from anywhere (ie securely stored online).
Protecting your digital assets has become critically important. As part of this process, it’s a very good idea to look at putting all your affairs in order and explore your estate planning options, by contacting a specialist lawyer who is experienced in estate planning in South Australia.
Founded in 1848, Genders & Partners is the oldest law firm in South Australia. They choose to specialise in just a few areas of law closest to most families, so that they can provide the legal services that matter most to you and your family.
Their experienced estate planning team can discuss many estate planning tools and techniques including:
- helping you to identify, understand and manage risks in your legal and financial affairs;
- protect your digital assets;
- creation of protective trusts;
- titling of assets for joint ownership;
- consideration of insurance options.
Choosing the right estate planning lawyers can make a huge difference in ensuring proper distribution of your assets after death, minimising or avoiding any legal issues that may arise, and protecting your hard-earned assets.
Most importantly, it helps save your family all the trouble, as well as thousands of dollars in legal fees and taxes, after your death.
Download our free eBook: “7 things you must know before you make your Will” here.
Genders and Partners is the oldest law firm in South Australia, established 1848. Contact them to learn how to protect yourself, your family and your assets through modern integrated estate planning solutions, by visiting our website today and schedule a free no obligation telephone consultation to find out how they can help you and yours.
To learn how to protect yourself, your family and your assets, by creating a professionally-made estate plan, claim your FREE 15 minute Telephone Consultation .
PS Checkout our Digital Assets Protection Pack (DAPP) for further information about how to secure your electronic and online information, how to create and store your logins, passwords and Assets Inventory, and how to create a Memorandum of Wishes and a Values, Insights & Ethics Will.
Our DAPP is unique and helps our clients to protect their online data.
PPS Genders and Partners have created a 43 page Disaster Plan eBook – find out if you are eligible to receive this for FREE.
It contains a lot of valuable information to help you protect yourself, your family and your assets.
eBook Disaster Plan
Check out the eBook containing Disaster Plan from senior Australian lawyer Rod Genders.