Genders and Partners

Accident Compensation Lawyer Adelaide: Common Categories Of Compensation

Genders and Partners

Accident Compensation in Adelaide has become more complex since 1st July 2013 when the government of South Australia changed the laws and procedures.

Accidents and personal injuries can happen at any time. They can cause huge implications on different dimensions of your life as a family. A significant accident injury can be life changing and may have considerable financial and emotional costs. That is why you owe it to yourself and your family to claim fair compensation if you have been injured in an accident.

When preparing to make an accident injury claim, these are some of the questions often considered:
• What are the financial costs this might have on us?
• Will my ability to earn a living be affected?
• How do I know what is fair and proper compensation?
• What if I need to pay for necessary medical treatment & medication later in life?

A lawyer specialising in accident compensation can help answer all of these questions, and advise you on possible legal options for the damage done to you and your family. For expert guidance with Accident Compensation in Adelaide, contact Genders & Partners, the oldest law firm in South Australia, and the holder of the state record for the highest-ever award of damages for a personal injury claim in South Australia. Call us today for a Free First Interview*, and see how we can help you and your family with accident injury claims.

Rod Genders is a senior Australian lawyer specialising in trusts, Wills and estate planning, probate and deceased estate administration, and accident compensation in Adelaide and throughout South Australia. His boutique specialist law firm, which was founded on 1848, is one of the oldest and most respected in Australia. Rod is also a prolific author and speaker. Some of his articles and books on Wills, Probate, Trusts, Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Retirement Planning, and Accident Injury Claims may be found at

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Accident Compensation Lawyer Adelaide: Common Categories Of Compensation

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